Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

How lovely are thy branches!

We had a great day. First we slept in..mmmm. We had breakfast and left the house to explore the area. We drove in a big circle around the Fort Collins area. We went from Masonville to Wellington . After all was said and done, we came home for a quick break, grabbed Charley and took off again. The kids went to the park to give Charley some exercise and T and I went to Walmart. After dinner we went out again to get a tree. The "Home Depots "of the world had pitiful trees, but the tree lots around town had great ones. We purchased a tree we had not seen in California. Some sorta spruce.

Okay.. here is the fun part of the evening.... we left so much in California that we forgot our tree stand. My sweet husband was determined we were gonna find that stand and cheap! We drove away from the lot and wouldn't you know it, around the corner was a thrift store! Out jumped T, Boo, and Zoomie. After seeing them run around the store a few minutes they appeared again outside. Boo started digging in this rolling bin near the door and out comes this tree stand! SCORE! $2.99...whoo hoo! Then our tree needed a topper..SCORE again! $1.99. Plus we found some cool ornaments. The tree is beautiful!

Today we visited REZ church. Great service! The Spirit was there and the message perfect. The children's ministry was great for Lina. She wanted to go all by herself. I was very surprised and happy for her. We took some time to drive around Loveland after service.

And now I am cooking a Thanksgiving dinner...want to eat? Come on by!

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