Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Hate This Stove

I know that's not nice to say. The H word and all. But honestly, this stove is my kitchen enemy. I ruin more food on it than any other time. It does not cook fairly or evenly. It is not on my team. And for goodness sakes, if I'm gonna put effort into meals everyday, I need a team player here. I LOVE gas ranges and we had talked..had being the optimum word here... about trading this bad boy our for a nice evenly cooking gas range. Ahhhh. The thought. Until then, I will continue to be kind to this here enemy of mine even though my potato soup may have a little burnt taste tonight. I won't complain. Nope. Not a word. NOT!


Sara Kay said...

When we moved here from CA, we had never cooked on an electric stove before. They are sooo obnoxious. I've been using them 18 years now, and STILL want a gas one. Maybe someday...

Reg said...

Those flat top electric stoves are the worst kind too. Sorry to tell you that. They are so much harder to control than even the burner coil kind. You are going to have to give me lessons on cooking on gas. This will be our first house ever with gas!

Maria said...

My first comment is this ... I had that same stove at one house that we lived in and *strongly disliked* it as well. My second comment is - you make THE BEST POTATO SOUP EVER so get that stove cooperating! ;)