Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Grands and Gramma Happy

 Oh my goodness, can we just take a minute to talk about being Gramma! I love each one of these little pickles. They bring me so much joy. I knew the day would come that I'd have grands running all around and let me say, was quite excited to be a gramma but seriously, when I look at all these kiddos and then look at my own kids, I stop and ask- where oh where did the days go?!  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was making lunches, giving baths, having family movie nights and tucking them in bed? And now I'm watching them do the same thing!

It went by way too quickly.

But now I get to enjoy their children and man, do I ever! Each child is unique, shares a special place in our family and all together make up a whole heap of fun. 

One of my life goals is that every single grand of mine knows me, really knows me and I know them. That I can be there as they grow up, watch them change into young adults, and share amazing moments together that last a lifetime. And they will know just how much Gramma Happy loves them. 💖

Thanks for Listening,

Tuna Jones

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