I wrote this Reality Check back in the spring...It seemed apropos for the season I am in now. We have been making so many choices lately. I pray this speaks to your heart. May God bring enlightenment to your heart where decisions need to be made.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. We have decisions to make everyday. Some are big and others are small. Some decisions affect just you and some affect those around you.
Let’s go through a few:
Hmm, should I eat a bowl of cereal or have those hot, syrupy pancakes this morning?
Should I have that other cup of coffee or switch to water?
Should I wash the clothes or hope everybody has clean underwear?
Should I walk to the store or jump in the car and help gas prices go up some more?
Should my kids have any extra-curricular activities or do I want a life? (Just kidding!! NOT!)
Do I really have to speak kindly today or can I just let everybody have it that comes in my path?
Do I want to buy a new car or keep what I have?
Do I stay in my job or look for a new one?
Do I serve me or do I serve others?
Better yet… Do I serve the Lord or do I serve me?
See how the questions are getting bigger? Some of these would affect me and others would affect my whole family and sometimes even people I don’t know.
Our family has a motto: Romans 12:10. “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” We picked this scripture along time ago and the funny thing is that we kept tellin’ the kids, “It’s not about you!” way before Rick Warren made it popular.
Okay, I hear you sayin’ it, “The plane is a circle’n. Bring her in for a landing.” Ok,ok.
What does all this have to do with decisions?
Just this..Think before you act. Think before you speak. Think before you make a decision that is going to affect you and everyone else around you.
Have you ever asked this question… how will this decision affect my GRANDchildren? Yah, you heard me, GRANDchildren! I know you don’t have them yet, well at least some of you don’t!
I want my life to be a legacy that my kids can talk about. I want Jesus to be so much in me, through me, and with me that my children speak major kudos to their children about me.(Go Mom, go mom, go Mom!) I want the decisions Terrell and I make have an impact on our grandchildren and their children. I want to honor one another above myself. BUT IT IS SOOO HARD!!! I know. I know!! You’re preachin’ to the choir here.
To live is Christ and to die is gain.
To die to myself (that’s a tough one), to die to the world (sometimes harder). Everyday? Yes, everyday. Only through Christ can this happen. Him and Him alone. Apart from Christ it just can’t happen.
Reality Check:
What decision did you make today? Did it honor the Lord? What decisions are you putting off? Is it too tough to make? Does it impact others around you?
It’s between you and Jesus. Make it count.
Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones
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