Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Headache, Headache go away...

Don't come back any ol' day!

I don't have headaches but once a month and ya'll know when that is. Except lately. I think it's weird. Or lack of sleep. Sleep...hmm.. Been pulling a Terrell lately. I wake up at 3:30am (yes, I checked last night) and toss and turn for hours. Last night I had a talk with Jesus about this lack of sleeping and decided to pray. Couldn't hurt, I'm awake anyhow.

So here it is 2:31pm and this stupid headache won't leave me alone. Yes, I'm staying hydrated. No, I'm not taking anything. Good grief I'd be on it too often.

I think I'll be getting a foot massage tonight.

1 comment:

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

Happy Anniversary again!
Glad you guys had a great time on the town!
My time flys.
We were so young, it seems like forever ago! Almost 20 big years!

We'll hope your headache is gone now.