Thursday, October 12, 2023

Daily Veg Smoothie - What's for breakfast?

One of the things I have been doing since I found out about my oh-so unwanted diagnosis is researching like a crazy woman. Starting with my mom and her story of beating breast cancer, I started looking for natural ways to build my immune system and kick cancer to the curb. I bought 5 books, devoured all of them, listened to podcasts, read and read some more on nutritional healing and after all this research certain things rose to the top.

1. Food- Good nutrition is a must. Organic, high veg intake daily, limited/no sugar. All things that would build up my immune system.  Being honest, I have chocolate. 😕You know the gooood chocolate. I really like chocolate. Just sayin'. Some of the research I've read says dark chocolate is a-okay but just not every day. Some things take time, and some days are just peanut butter and jelly days or a piece of deliciousness.  Most days I adhere to a strict food regimen.

2. Clean Water- I love our water and had it tested. It's great straight from the well. When we sell this place, I'll buy a Berkey water filter.

3. Chemical Free Lifestyle- This one I am still working on and making progress a step at a time. More on this later.

4. Reduce Stress-😜 Control your stress and figure out what is causing it. If the stress isn't fixed, your body will still scream on the inside.

5. Sleep- OY! This one is hard still. I do desire to rest. I just don't sleep well and haven't for a long while.

6. Exercise- just move your body every day. Rebound, workout at the gym, walk. Do something daily.

I remember my mom juicing carrots all day long when she beat breast cancer the first time. I listened to the video she watched, "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore" and started juicing but, found a more current resource from a highly regarded doc who has been helping people for years with integrative methods of fighting cancer that encouraged blending whole foods. So that's what I've been doing. I'm getting tons of fiber and all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables. My typical morning smoothie is kale, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, chia seeds, and sometimes I throw in other things like spinach, celery, and banana. Heavy on the carrots and blueberries. I started putting turmeric in as well. I already take turmeric, but I am learning the more the merrier. So in it goes! I do this sometimes for lunch too. Just depends on the day. 

I am eating more vegetables than EVER in my lifetime. And drinking them. Maybe I'm just drinking more than I ever ate? Hmmm. 

Here's to health! Cheers.

Thanks for listening…

Tuna Jones

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