Sunday, October 1, 2023

The C Word

 June 1st, 2023

A day that I’d rather have been anywhere but here. A day that started a new journey I had always hoped would pass me by. One I never ever wanted. Ever. I had just finished a horrible breast biopsy and was waiting to go home. 

I found a lump a few months prior and was watching it closely. After going to my doctor we decided to investigate. I had a sinking feeling for awhile so I wasn’t surprised they found “something”. Questions was what was that something. Funny enough it wasn’t the lump that was concerning, it was hidden in my breast near the lump. And so began my journey with breast cancer. I have so much to say and yes, you bet my writing mojo is coming alive again, but for now, since it’s October 1 and breast cancer awareness month- I leave you with this- truth is, it’s sucks, but there is hope and help. It’s slaps you in the face in a way that you least expect it. My journey has not been traditional and probably won’t be. I’ve be pondering when and how and even if I would  share about this season. Being quiet has been healing. There are so many emotions wrapped up with the big C word. Today seems like a good day to begin.  I am grateful for the hope and healing Jesus gives me daily. Today I celebrate life. 💗

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