Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Across the Midwest We Go

T and I said our first goodbye to our friends James and Michele and started off towards Kansas. Our first stop was with our friends Scott and Debbie of which I apparently did not get a picture of! Sorry Northways! We woke up in the middle of the night to some loud booms. I asked T if that was thunder and then we heard it again. You've got to be kidding me! We had nothing covered in the truck or trailer. We woke up early and got back on the road for Murfreesboro with a trailer and truck full of wet. Just wet. Boxes, a big rug, tools... wet. We figured the wind would dry most of it out but we were so wrong. Why, you ask? Well, it rained even more! By the time we pulled into Murfreesboro, we had to unload everything and spread it out on the Walkers garage floor. I am still hesitant my large family room rug survived. 

Evidence of how much it rained across the Midwest. 

Still raining.😒

We made it! Everyone was super happy. 

Let the drying begin.

 This blog is called Reality Check. Here's mine- You can plan all you want. Sometimes life happens. Take it as it comes, breathe and move on.

Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you guys and so glad we’re gonna be living in the same town again!