Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Let the Adventuring Begin!

So we did a thing. A BIG thing!  T and I have always loved camping, traveling, being together and being outside together. When we decided to sell our home, we got this crazy idea to live on the road for while. We’re young enough and healthy enough to do it, so why not?! We went round and round about buying an RV and taking Ts job on the road. We had this dream for years! Well- guess what?

We could, so we did! 

We jumped in with both feet. We searched for a perfect fit for us. That took some time. We traveled the state of Colorado looking at various RVs for sale. T needed an uninterrupted workspace that was for him and I needed a space that allowed me NOT to be “working” too. 😉 
We discovered these cool 5th wheels with garages. It’s perfect! He researched office setups for the road and found a really cool desk/monitor setup. He has a door to close off his space, his own AC, and a porch. He is truly working remote. We have a separate living room, bathroom and bedroom, way too many tv’s and a fireplace to boot. We found a Ram 350 dually to haul it. She is lovingly called Bad Mamma Jamba by yours truly and is a dream to drive! I love trucks.❤️  My husband is a star driver of this long beast. 
Our first stop was Salida with our dear friends Bruce and Kathy. We love Salida and staying with them was a perfect place to prepare. We had to figure this thing out, unpack and get ready for the adventure. I set aside boxes and BOXES of stuff for the RV during our move.Too much stuff! I was super organized. Apparently a bit too organized. Now we know. 

So our goals for our adventuring. 

Those who know us, know we are list makers and goal setters. 🤗 T plans to ride one of his bikes in every state of the union. He’s ridden a lot, and in a lot of states, but now we begin a check off list! 
So far Colorado, Utah and today Oregon. 🚵‍♀️ 
My goals for this first adventure- rest my mind and body. Since my cancer last year, I haven’t stopped. I plan to now. Next goal- to write again. And write a lot. We’re blogging our journey along the way. I’m desperately trying to catch up to present day! And I have these children’s books rolling around my brain that need to find their way to paper. 
Our goal together- to go to every National Park! That one is super exciting to us. We are hitting local breweries and wineries too, also fun. We are investing in each other; finding joy in this moment in time. 💗
So that’s what we’re doing! Come along with us. 
Let the adventures begin!

Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones



Laura Bimm said...

So excited for you! I am along for the adventure :)

Anonymous said...

Excited for your new adventures!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're already having a great time!!! Love the pic!