Thursday, August 8, 2024

Vancouver, WA- Family Time

Next stop, Vancouver, WA to see the Killingers. We took a few days to stay with Bec and Brock and of course play, play, play with the baby. Valerie is truly delightful. We parked the RV at Brock's folks place for the few days, which was fabulous. Not so fabulous was the learning curve that the fridge needs the propane AND a trickle of the electricity to stay on. Who knew?! We went over to check on a something, grab a few things and found the trailer dead as a doornail. We quickly had to improvise. We couldn't get the slides open either, so I crawled through the tiny opening onto the counter to get to the fridge. We grabbed the cold things, threw them in a cooler we had, threw out a few things that spoiled and made the best of a hard learning. We tried to connect to the electricity in the shop but had the wrong connector. Amazon has seen a lot of business from us this summer! Once we got the right connector, we drove out to get the trailer fired back up. Let me just say, traveling and life on the road definitely has some learnings for sure.

I was able to care for Valerie for a few days while Bec worked. We played, chatted- she's quite chatty! and we thoroughly enjoyed her! Her vocabulary is blossoming and what we don't understand, I suspect we will soon.

One of my favorite chiropractors is in Vancouver so I scheduled a couple visits to see him and get a massage while we were there too. My left hip has been acting up for months. These few visits helped immensely. The weather was great too. We were able to enjoy their backyard and play a new game with Bec and Brock, go on evening walks and crash a bit. Our next stop in chasing cooler temperatures is Cannon Beach and they're joining us for a night. Whoo Hoo!

Bec and I snuck away to get our toes done. Very well needed I must say. 


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