Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Hopes!

2011... so much to hope for, plan on, and strive to accomplish.
Here's my list:
1. Bible Study. I want to get involved in a study with other women. I want to be stretched again.
2. Marathon. October 2011 in Denver. Yep. This 43 year young body needs some attention now that school is done. I'm gonna switch my energy and focus to training for the big day in October.
3. Meal Planning. I want to make it one whole calendar year meal planning and cost cutting our food budget.
4. Job. I want to excel more in this area. No clue how just yet.
5. Home. I want to see some of our long term goals accomplished. Deck project, new fireplace, new stove. Okay.. maybe just the deck this year.
6. Camping. Mt. Rushmore for sure!
7. Read for pleasure...finally no more text books.
8. Finances. Strive to reach our goals here. College bills, pay off mortgage, you get the idea. Baby Steps.
9. Marriage. I want to invest more time doing what I used to do.. plan fun surprises for my husband. He deserves it.
10. Children. I want to invest in my kiddos through prayer and words of encouragement in 2011.
God has a plan for me this year. Now to watch Him unfold it, put my effort forth and walk by faith daily. I'm feelin' good about 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

My girls are always hearing me ask for one of their scarves. Not any more! Thank you so much for my own stash!
And being the year of the scarf.... T got his own fair share too.

Becca is privileged to have her own dorm room this spring so we thought she would appreciate a TV for some down time or party time!

T has wanted to get Gabe started on his lifetime tool collection. Our men all work with their hands whether it's cars or building playhouses or honey-do's. We found car tools, hand tools, whatever tools and a chest to get him started. He knows what he's getting for the next 10 years!

Lina has been asking for a remote with a stereo so she can turn on her Odyssey's at night as well as listen to her ipod. Check. And Boo was ready for her own electric acoustic guitar. She has been using my brother's for two years and now can sing to her hearts content anywhere and everywhere.

This year was marked by change, that's for sure. Kids grown up and parents feeling it. Grown up kids means grown up gifts. No more dolls and games like we used to see. No more model cars and jewelry boxes for little girls. No more screams cause Santa's arrived. When did this happen? I keep asking myself this and I just can't grab ahold of the time machine. Our children are truly becoming who God intends and created them to be. I feel so blessed to have my children. One day this room will be filled with their children. I think I will be ready to buy dolls and trucks again.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Serving Together

This Christmas is different. All the kids are old enough to wait for the Opening of the Gifts, take time out of our warm, joy filled day, and serve others less fortunate than us. We were looking for a way to do what Christ did and really, asks us to do as well... serve. Our sweet friends told us of an opportunity to help out with a breakfast for the homeless this morning and we were all over it. The weather was splendid. We helped make and serve breakfast, talked and visited with folks and spent time together as a family. It was a time for us to remember that no matter where you are in life, God cares. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. This ministry is a combination of various churches coming together. Each week a group of folks come together to provide food and other needs like clothes. .. not just on Christmas. God is using a random bunch of people to provide practically and opens doors to feed them spiritually. How cool is that? People give their time and resources to make a difference in other peoples lives. Isn't that the call of us all? Being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Colorado wishes you a Merry Christmas!

We drove by this and was amazed! There's a manger scene out front, Santa on the roof, the words Merry Christmas on the roof and lights every where! Just beautiful! Good Job Colorado!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Done. Finished. Complete. Wa Hoooo!

I did it. I am officially a Regis University Alumni. It has been a long time a comin' and a big check off my List. Best part is my family was there to support me through the whole thing.
My folks made it in as well to celebrate with all if us. Another great blessing!

Walking with all the other graduates was very surreal. I did my best to keep it together when they played Pomp and Circumstance. There are two songs that make me cry every time. It's quite pitiful, really. That one and the wedding march, "Here comes the Bride".

My biggest fan during this journey is my sweet man. He did all he could to make sure my education was a priority. He cooked, was a taxi driver when I needed to study, PAID for my schooling. Okay, that one alone is huge! I am so thankful for him.

What a joy to have my parents finally see their daughter graduate. They knew this was important to me and they were there to celebrate with me. Twenty-five years ago I graduated from high school. That graduation was no where as wonderful as this one. They were there then and they were here now.

And my kiddos! They all made it in! I am sooo happy to have them all here.
This chapter has come to a close. I love learning and hope to pursue my Masters one day. But for now, I will bask in knowing I'm finished. I accomplished what I set out to do. Now it's time to watch, encourage, and sometimes push my children to do the same thing.
God's mercy and grace has been with me through this journey and to Him and Him alone I give my life and service.
A new day has dawned.... let the adventure begin.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Country Dinner Courtesy of Momma

Mom cooked and cooked and cooked yesterday. She fixed us a big country dinner with all the fixins; fried chicken, fried apples, green beans, fresh peaches, and Joanna brought her amazing fried corn. It was our one opportunity to have everyone together for dinner before Christmas. We all ate and ate! Now the mess, it was HUGE afterwards. It's not like my kitchen is made for such cookin'. Note to self: Remember NOT to make fried chicken again in this house.
But it was soooo good! I love my momma.

Friday, December 17, 2010

All my Chickies are Home!

Yeah, yeah, yeah! All four of my children are home and under one roof. Gabe and Natasha made it in late late last night. After picking them up from the Denver airport, we drove home into our snowy neighborhood. We didn't get the foot that was forecast but we did get enough to make everything magically white.
Gabe decided spa-ing was in order. So spa-ing they did..... at 3 AM. Gotta love it! And I love the house full.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Man that's a BIG Tree

The "getting of the Christmas tree" is a tradition in our home that carries a lot of weight. It is a BIGGIE. It started off in the early days that I HAD to have it December 1st. We kept that up for many of our married years but as time has its way, that has changed. Now, it's which weekend are we all together. Check calendars, pick a day, make a plan. With two kids off at college, it's hard to find an opportune time. This year we were so excited about cutting it down in the forest. Oh I couldn't wait. Becca came home last Friday and the next morning we planned to find our very own forest tree. Best laid plans didn't quite happen. We were all ready to go and then realized Becca was sick. So, Plan B went into action. Becca was all better by today and we headed off to the local tree lot to find our very own tree. Not exactly the forest but that's okay. We were picking it together.

After walking around, finding trees in our price range, we found our special tree! There were so many beautiful trees to choose from. That was another fear of mine being so late in the game.
Oh this tree is HUGE. We knew is was beautiful and smelled great but didn't realize how LARGE it really was... and heavy (so I'm told).

Gabe wasn't here to help out this year, so in honor of him, we took a picture of his special ornament, Big Blue. Since the kids were little, they would put their own meaningful ornaments on the tree. Gabe loved Big Blue and it always had to be on the top of the tree. So there you go Gabe!
Ta Da! It's a beautiful tree. Now it truly feels like Christmas.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Miracle Cure... I sure hope so!

Just bought this fine 4 inch thick Serta topper on Black Friday. Oh my goodness, I sure hope it helps me sleep! And hopefully it will extend the life of our mattress. Here's to my Miracle Cure!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Out with the Old, In with the New

We did it.. along with the rest of America. We switched to this new fandangled TV. On Black Friday, heading across the state of Missouri, we stopped at Costco and joined the crowds. After standing there in the electronic section with ALL the rest of Missouri measuring TVs, looking, starring, getting advice from my techie brother on the phone, it was decided. We took this BIG box to the truck. T then proceeded to unload everything else in the truck and I do mean everything.. Trader Joe's wine, suitcases, pillows, back packs, more suitcases, right there in the Costco parking lot. We shoved this big ol' box on the bottom of the pile (okay he shoved, we cheered!) reloaded, and headed back across America. Picture Perfect.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mom's Christmas Treasure

This Christmas is a year for me to mark in my mind for a number of reasons. Graduation from college, a spa for the family, my kids are all coming together for Christmas, family photos, and these beautiful dishes from my momma. I am one sentimental ol' gal and to see the dishes my mom used for years, now mine to use and placed on this, um... "hutch"... makes me smile. A new tradition has begun with my kids. I will eventually be the grandma with the Christmas dishes but for now I am the momma with the Christmas dishes.

Funny thing is I remember Mom receiving these from Dad. I can see the room that Christmas morning so long ago clearly in my mind. I see the tree, the couches, the table and chairs, the fireplace, all of it. He bought her two complete sets of new dishes one year for Christmas. These charmers and her everyday dishes. He was so excited to have her open box after box. And when they were brought into my home, I had the same privilege... box after box.

Thank you Dad and Thank you Mom. I will take good care of them and use them with love.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Gift of Therapy

Family Therapy. Massage Therapy. Sanity Therapy. Sleep Therapy. Feel free to add to the list. We are so excited to have this big tub of hot water that bubbles in our back yard. It's been 16 years since we last owned a spa. T and I would go out when Boo was a baby and escape for just a little while. Loved it! When we moved to Colorado we knew this was a part of the big plan for us but we were anticipating re-doing the deck first. Well, that will be next summer's project but this winters gift to ourselves was this fine baby. Loving it all over again.

Craigslist wins again!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

I am dizzy. And it's all from this small part in my inner ear.
Now, it isn't 24/7 so that's good. It's when I do certain things like bending up and down, blowing my hair, moving too fast but especially lying down and sitting up. Falling out of bed twice this week, yeah...that was no fun. No injuries thankfully; I fell into my chair next to my bed. That was kind of my indicator something was up. I thought it would go away but it hasn't so off to the doctor I went. He said it is BPPV. Oh yeah! (That was me being funny.)
I have these nauseating exercises that I have the privilege of doing three times a day this week. It should make me all better and get the tiny crystal thingy out of my inner ear.
Here's to hoping that little bugger goes away soon.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gateway to the West

The St Louis Arch is an amazing structure. Huge, steel, magnificent piece of art. The little white pod that takes you to the top is small (you feel like you were shoved in a pea pod with 4 other people) and kinda rickety but you just HAVE to do it anyways. Once your up there, it's hot and stuffy and the thing sways so you don't stay too awfully long. But the view, the view, is so worth it. After we came down our micro pea pod, we explored the museum under ground. It is chalked full of history about Lewis and Clark, the settling of the West, and was more than any one person can take in. This was a highlight for me. Another thing I can check of the list.
St Louis Arch. Check.