Monday, July 22, 2024

Celebrating Momma

Momma loved flowers

My Red Bird tattoo
Aunt Carolyn

All things Momma

Me and Momma

Aunt Pat and Uncle Walty- Mom's brother

My siblings and dad

My playmates and cousins growing up in Kentucky

 Still can't believe she's gone or that I'm writing a post talking about this moment in time. It's when I scroll through pictures on my phone, or memories pop up on Facebook, or I see people who are a huge part of mom's life that it all comes crashing in again. I've heard songs or people saying, just one more day, that's all I ask and then suddenly you're living it out, and you GET what that means. Oh goodness do I.

Before this day, life was moving so fast. So much happening at one time it has been hard to process it all still.

Selling the home we built together
Traveling to see Grands
Momma in hospital
Daughter in hospital twice
Momma dies, working on her memorial service with my sister
Figuring out Dad and how to help him
Traveling for a sweet baby dedication
Daughter slowly healing, finding help and hope 💖
Packing, and then packing some more
Saying goodbyes
T's Truck in need of serious repair- fixed finally
Physically moving
Buying Bad Mamma Jamma truck and a 5th wheel
Driving some more
Trying to catch our breath....

And here I am, sitting still finally able to write about Mom's celebration. 

It was a beautiful day. A hot day but beautiful. Dad was able to share sweet memories which was so lovely to hear, my siblings and I all shared our heart, Pastor Jack spoke, Darrell sang, we all cried, prayed, and celebrated Mom. 

Her favorite bird is a cardinal or "red bird" as she called it. We had the cutest little red birds in all the flower arrangements and placed around the room. A sweet nod to mom. I actually got a tattoo of one just above my ankle. We had so much yummy southern food for the reception luncheon that followed and of course sweet tea. It was A-mazing seeing so many of my cousins too. I didn't get all the pictures I had hoped for but a spattering here and there. 

I really miss Momma. I miss my healthy sparkly mom. She loved life and loved her people. I know one day I get to see her again in Heaven, but for now that doesn't help much. Truth. I'd like to see her now feeling great and enjoying life. So yes, I'd like one more day. 

I love you Momma. You're dearly missed. 

Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones

1 comment:

Reg said...

I miss her too...totally relate to the memories suddenly crashing in again. Heaven will be sweet.