Wednesday, July 24, 2024

First Stop, Peach Capital Colorado

And we're off! Being our first big outing we planned to stay in Colorado. One, to get to know our rig and two, figure out what living on the road looks like. August has always been the peach canning month for me and with our warm spring/ hot summer in Colorado we decided to go to Palisade in hopes of grabbing some July peaches and figure this thing out. 

On our way to Palisade we stopped in to see our friends in Leadville. This is definitely one of the fun parts of living on the road; slowing down to see people along the way. Jim and Jo were a part of our church group in Colorado Springs and dear people. Jim works at the airport in Leadville so we met them there to grab a hug and a tour, and it was a great spot for our camper to park. We learned something new while we were there. Leadville is North America's Highest Airport. How about that! 

Back on the road heading over the pass towards Palisade. Such a gorgeous drive.

How's this for views! It was crazy hot. Like so, so, hot. The morning and evenings were grand but mid- day- sweltering! Ok funny side note, cause I can. I'm typing this and wrote squeltering. I clicked on the auto correct and it's not showing up. I know this is a word, so I ask Ciri how to spell it.  He proceeds to say, "It's SWELTERING". 😏 So all this time I have been saying SQUELTERING and that's not even a word. I bet that was a mommaism. There ya go.  You had a little English lesson today. Either way, it was hot. 

After setting up camp, we went to town to eat dinner and celebrate this big day. We found a restaurant called Fidels. It was AMAZING. Big review here for them. If you are in Palisade this is a must do. The food was sooo good. It's a Mexican restaurant, which we love. The service and food, top notch!. And the name of the place is not what you'd think. It's this cute dog that had his own art gallery.

 Ok, that was day one! A big day indeed. Back to our camper we went to sleep with the AC on. 🌞

Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones

1 comment:

Reg said...

Such a cute town! Reminds me a bit of Pawhuska.