How much do you do in a day?
Probably quite a bit. You may work out of the home, taxi kids around, prepare meals, make phones calls, laundry, exercise, Mom's group, Bible study. We have many options as women each day to fill our time. Some are necessities, other are just because. So, here's the hard question.. where does your husband fit in your schedule? I know, I can hear it now...she's not going there?! Ya, I'm going there.
When T and I went on vacation we made an interesting observation. Couples didn't hold hands, the women walked in front of the men by a few strides; there was this lack of connection.
As women you hold a unique place in the home. The drum beats according to your rhythm. I think that's true in marriage too. We have a special ability to influence, support, encourage or just the opposite; manipulate, tear down, and even destroy.
When I was gone this week all day for a few days serving at a kids camp I came home really wiped out. I was ready to veg and be left alone. It made me think about how I'm gonna find balance in my marriage when I DO start working out of the home. My husband should be number 2 on my list right after my walk with Jesus. Kids are number 3. I know that isn't always the case for me. I think he ends up a little lower sometimes. The good thing is realizing it. And fixing it. I love my husband and plan on being married a long time. (Yes, we argue. Don't pull the pedestal out quite yet!)
God's word speaks loudly about our behavior as women. Proverbs 14:1 tells us," The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands a foolish one tears hers down." How about this in Proverbs 22:19,"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife." Ouch.
Reality Check:
So.. what about you? Is your husband, your soul mate, the one you walked down the long aisle in flowing white to present yourself being neglected? Is he getting your best? Are you being the Bride he needs and wants? Maybe its time to start dating again. Maybe it's time to start holding hands. Get creative. You can do it. It may be really tough for some of you. Just try and pray, really pray that God will rekindle your love for him. Better yet, pray for a bonfire!
Thanks for Listening...
Well said, sister. :)
I think that is an area we can all work on at different levels. I love my husband - he is wonderful - thanks for the reminder. :)
This was good. While we are on our mini vacation, I'll ponder your words. It's interesting...I noticed the other day that I tend to walk in front of Dave sometimes. Sometimes it's just because we are shopping and I know what I'm looking for, but sometimes I just take charge! Need to watch that, but like you said, at least we recognize it. One thing our husbands can't say is that they married weak women! Love you and keep up the good work! P.S. I'm pulling out my pedestal....Tee Hee
You wise woman, thanks for sharing from your heart! We all can benefit from reminders, gentle nudges, and even painful pokes from time to time. :-)
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