Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday Night Family Night..Pirates!

Friday night family night was a regular thing in our home since the kids were younger. We'd eat pizza every Friday, watch a movie or play games together. They loved, we loved it. Since we've moved here we've gotten out of the habit. So..with a little inspiration from her and her.. I'm at it again. Here's the sad part...Gabe didn't participate! He went to a football game. I guess that's what happens when kids grow up. I didn't give the boy enough notice and well, he is 17.

Pirate Night was the theme this week. I searched for the Game of Life (the Pirate version) with no luck. I did find a cool Pirate recipe for pork chops and we made Kettle Corn for desert..with MnM's. We did a treasure hunt and then watched the first Pirates movie. I DO NOT like movie 2 or 3. Too dark. We had a great time with the girls. Next week... ooh. I'm not gonna say. Come back and check yourself!


Anonymous said...

I love it so fun. H

Unknown said...

Did you mix the M&M's INTO the kettle corn? I've never tried that! It sounds yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! What do you do with two teenage girls?