Friday, June 26, 2009


It's been awhile since I've given you a nugget to ponder....

I was standing at the kitchen sink, looking at the trees blowing gently and pondering the busyness of life. It's summer time and by darn it, it's supposed to be slower. At least that's what I hear. We started off summer with a bang, a 17 day road trip. It was very fun, don't get me wrong, but tiring too. So many places to go. So many people to see. We all sighed when we came home....ahhhh. Our own bed. By the next morning, we were unpacked and back into the routine of life. The kids missed their friends so they planned play dates and social outings. Hmm.. Yep, I put on my taxi driver hat and I drove. and I drove. And I drove some more. Now, all these activities were good and I was happy they had friends to come home to but too much of a good thing becomes bad. After four days of driving, I pulled the emergency break. ERRRRRTT! It was time to stay home and well, be home. Simplify.

God made Simplify a theme for my life when I had my first three little ones. I remember trying to be all things to all people, church, girlfriends, family. No time at home. When I was home I was planning what was next. What ensued was chaos. My kids needed constant busyness to feel satisfied and I had a messy house with little energy to put forth. I was too busy doing other, more meaningful good things. Uh, huh. God took us to a new place.. literally a new place, a couple hundred miles away from all I knew and what began was my journey to simplicity. I read, I cried, I loved it! My home became my castle where life happen. We invested more in the kids and our own marriage. I learned what it meant to not live in chaos and learned how to take on the responsibility of making our home a place of peace; ie CLEAN. Okay, sometimes just tidy. I really started to understand the concept of too much of a good thing isn't good.

Since then I have had moments of relapse, especially during the teen years. But I pull the break once again and we all stay home. I ache when I see moms trying to accomplish it all and think they can. Something always gives. So as God reminded me again of this place in my life that He desires for me to be, I challenge you to think , ponder, and pray about the place He wants you to be too. It's time to be honest with yourself. Where your treasure is there your heart is also.

Reality Check:
So, where's your heart today? Out in the truck raring to go to the next place or at home creating a place of rest and solitude for your family.

The choice is yours.

Thanks for listening,
Tuna Jones

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Africa: John and Amanda

These are our friends from church, John and Amanda. They are in Africa serving on a mission's trip to an orphanage. I just read an update on her blog page about their time so far. It is a must read!
Here is their blog page:
After I read about her experience, I realized once again, how abundantly blessed we are.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summertime at the Ol' Place

With all the rain we've had the backyard is full of beautiful purple wild flowers.

Green, green, green!

These things are annuals and are MUCH bigger than last year.

Something makes my heart sing when I see swings.

More backyard

And even more backyard flowers.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Florida... The Condensed Version.

Just me and my man..... and the mosquitoes. Gotta love Florida!

I was so excited to take the kids here!!!

Red. Red. Red.

Hula hoop contest at the resort.

Our great pool at the Sheraton. I loved this pool. I miss having a pool in my backyard.

A stormy sort of evening.

Between me and Boo, we took hundreds of pictures. I can not even make you sit and look at that many! We had a great time in Orlando and loved the family get away! I'll have to put in the Disney pictures later.... stay tuned. Are you bored seeing our vacation yet? It's taking time getting it all posted. I could tell you stories too about our time there but for now, pictures will have to do.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Next Stop: Franklin, TN

How many desserts can one boy order? Three I tell you!
Heather is SHORTER than me.... not today! She was sporting some cute heels.

Boo saw this on a wall. It was worth the picture. Definitely.

So if we EVER left Colorado.. not saying we ever will... Nashville would be on the top of the list. We loved the feel of Nashville and this darling town of Franklin. Heather recommended a place to eat and she was so right. I could see T and I escaping to this place for a weekend away. We met Heather and her Kiddos here for a brief "hey, how are you? let's eat for an hour session." Last time we saw her was BC.. before children. It was a pleasure reconnecting and hopefully it can last longer AND include her hubby next time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hair by Beth

She had never had bangs. How fun for her!
Beth and Boo. Two Elizabeths!

Lina had a cool twist done. Turned out cute!!!!
The onlookers...
Check out those locks. It is beau. ti. ful!
So my cousin Beth (married to my first cousin David) is a great stylist (and hostess and Mom, and conversationalist, and sweet, sweet, sweet!) and to my amazement offered to cut and play with our hair! She trimmed up Gabe, me, and the girls, T got cleaned up too via the handy dandy trimmers to his brow line and neck line.What a blessing to have a clean look for the rest of vacation. The girls thought it was the bomb to have a few layers or bangs put in. Talk about a souvenir! She has this very cool shop in her home and the sink was a huge hit for the girls to wash their hair in. The girls got very attached to this sweet women and by the time we left she was no longer Beth but PROMOTED to Aunt Beth! SCOOOORE!

Louisville... Family

Cousin Patsy
Uncle Walty and Gabe... card tricks
Cousin Beth and her famous Margaritas!
Cousin Dawn...
The girls hangin' out with Aunt Beth. She is the best hostess!

My dear sweet Aunt and Uncle. I adore them.

Cousin Joshua. The family watched his game one night.

My Charlie's Angels.

The green machine was a hit... even though it was blazing outside.

Even for the Big Kids!

Had to throw one landscape picture in! This old barn was across the street form where we stayed.

Cousin David... lots of childhood memories with him. Many of my memories are going to the farm in Indiana and playing with David, Dawn and enjoying Aunt Pat's home cooking!

Cousin Holly.

Cousin Brenda.. Holly's mom.

Uncle Walty is such a ham! This is my mom's only brother and it was his farm we'd go to as kids.

Aunt Pat is a great cook and she made sure I had all my old favorites. Oh if you could have tasted what I tasted!
Cribbage. We enjoyed playing and counting our 15's. The kids even got in on it.

This is Bella. She thinks she's a lap dog. :) She stole my make-up one day and I found it spread down the stairs.
I have so much family in Louisville! We were able to see just a few while there but the kids and T got a sampling of the great family I do have. It only took 19 years of marriage to get there! Louisville is a nice community with beautiful landscaping. We swam at the country club, and T and Gabe golfed with David. We laughed, ate food, played cribbage, got our hair cut (that's another post) and reconnected with my side of the family. It was a great blessing for me. Yeah family!