Outside my window.... Sunny skies, warm rays beating in on me while I write. Love-e-ly!.
I am thinking... this week sure went by fast. I am not sure where the time goes anymore other than in the car multiple times a day, in the classroom or on this computer. I am so excited Boo will have her license in two weeks. Even as I write she is in her driving course required. She has her hours already and now had to take this course Colorado requires. For those who don't want their kids to drive.. WHY? WHY I ask?? It's liberating!
I am thankful for... my husband. He is so different from me. We don't process the same, we don't operate the same, we don't do much the same. But we are always on the same page. It might take some discussions to get there but we do get there. We celebrated 21 years yesterday and I can say I wouldn't change any of them. I have been sharpened and resharpened by Terrell. I think he would say the same thing. Is it always perfect, nope. We work and work. Some days are easier than others. But, I love him oh so much. He is the chocolate icing on my chocolate cake. And I know, I know, God orchestrated our marriage.
I am thankful for you SHJ!
From the learning rooms.. homeschooling is going well this week. Lina is settled and I am giving more time ot her. She is learning some fun stuff about Canada. I am really thinking a trip to Ottawa is in order. Ok.. I'm hoping a trip to Ottawa is in order. I have one more week of New Testament and I've started Capstone this week. I am almost done with college and then I can take a breather. Maybe go to Ottawa.
From the kitchen... I made a warm yummy peach pie to take to some friends tonight. I also made a couple of quiches for dinner. Ours (the adult, mature eaters) has mushrooms, onions, and ham in it. The girls, just ham and cheese. This cool weather makes me want to bake, and baking I've been a doing!
I am wearing... Jeans, black shirt, purple shirt, tennies.
A recipe worth sharing:
Mrs. S' Pie Crust
This is my new favor-ite pie crust. Delicious and easy. You have to get past the Crisco and just buy it. You won't regret the flavor.
2 3/4 cup of flour
1 1/4 cup of shortening
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Cut through with a pastry blender. I use my Kitchen Aid with the hook.
add: 1/2 cup of water and mix just until blended. The less your dough is handled the better.
Cut two sheets of wax paper, throw some flour on there, put half the dough in between the two pieces and roll.
And Wa La!
I am reading... Oh this is blank again. Just class stuff. Nothing worth reporting unless you want to hear about what Matthew-Henry said about Matthew 6?
I am going... our family is going to some friends place for a small group idea planning session, I am going to sit at the DMV tomorrow for two hours while Boo drives around, I am going to some fun Halloween activities with my girls, and I am going to rake the front yard again. We have more and more pine needles to clean up.
I am hoping... for this weather to continue a wee bit longer. It's so Amazing. I know, I keep saying that, but really, It is!
I am hearing... Hannah Montana. "You get the best of both worlds!"
Around the house... We will be setting up my desk this weekend so I can get organized. Yeah!
A picture worth sharing.. umm.. the pie up there.. Yes. Worth sharing and EATING!