Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Woodpecker from the Darkside!

Could this be our Woodpecker...not sure. Haven't seen the little critter but we know it's there! How you ask...

Let me share. We have a fireplace in our bedroom. It's gas burning so the top stack is metal. One day we hear what sounds like a jack hammer. I could not for the life of me figure out who was making that awful noise so early in the morning. We'll, this went on for days before we had an "Ah ha!" No, It's not a jack hammer, that you could unplug. It was our friend Woody! He visits us frequently looking for something to peck at inside the fire stack. Only it's metal and the bird is stupid and doesn't know it. Do you hear my sweet southern draw when I say that. Yes, I was awake before 7 this morning and it's Saturday. I was truly looking forward to sleeping in. Of course we wait it out and it finally stops.... then what do I feel but a cold nose letting me know it was time to get up. It wasn't my morning for "Charley Duty" but I'm awake so here I sit with my laptop and Charley.

Hope all you out there have a great Saturday! Any ideas to get rid of our Woodpecker friend, let me know. (That would be the comment but below here :) )

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Um, maybe leave the fireplace on? I know, not the greatest idea in the world. Sorry. Wish I could help.