Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Order or Chaos?

I watched Suze Orman on Oprah yesterday. Very good report on where we are with this whole American fiscal mess. And a mess it is.

Suze said something interesting.

"If you have messy cabinets, you have messy finances. If your cabinets are generally clean so is your finances."

I began to there a correlation? I like order not chaos but I do have cabinets that are out of order. I don't organize the pantry all the time. Actually messes overwhelm me so I tend to close the door. We also care greatly about our finances. They overwhelm me too. More conversations about that than anything these days.

What do you think? Pipe in..I'm curious. Feel free to leave an anonymous note if it's too personal.


Joanna said...

Huh. That is interesting. I don't know if that necessarily correlates. I am pretty organized with our finances, but my pantry and fridge struggle sometimes - just no time for everything and something has to go. I think in different seasons of life, I hit different levels of organization. But if our finances are a mess, I can't seem to function well. It's really important to me to keep them in order, but cabinets, not so important. I see where she's coming from though. In a different season of my life I think that might apply.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what kind of "in order" she's talking about. I have pretty organized cabinets...not perfect but pretty orderly. I also have everything well organized on Quicken and keep up with our finances as far as no late payments, etc., but I still don't like where we are with our finances. Things could be better or maybe we could be better....not sure.

Sarah said...

Hmmm, I agree w/Joanna on that one. It depends what is going on in your life something always has to take a backseat sometimes. On the other hand I am pretty organized in my home and our finances are in pretty good order but that is due to my husband and the organization of the house is me...w/him I am a mess in the organization dept. But Suze makes a good point, just like Joanna said! :)