Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cookie Exchange Cookies!

Tonight I have the pleasure of going to a cookie exchange at Jo's house. I used to do this in Fresno in my newly married days. So fun! The difference... I will be the oldest Mom there. How is that possible at 41? It's not that 41 is old but for goodness sakes some of these darling moms have parents 50. I hang out with people near fifty. aka.. husband of mine; 47.
Maybe next year I can have an Old Women's Cookie Exchange. HAH!


Maria said...

Those cookies look sooo good - are they real for goodness sake?

Unknown said...

My hubby is 47 too! SWEEEET!

Anonymous said...

LOL....It looked like a fun exchange..."you make me laugh with oldest mom at 41". It's all about are still hip enough to hang with the young ones!