Friday, June 13, 2008

Blog Sabbatical

I'm taking a blog break....

I always wanted Reality Check to be a voice of encouragement. I may be changing it up a bit.... I feel like I'm the only one listening. ANDDD for those few who do enjoy this, thank you but I don't get any feedback, pictures I ask for, nada. It gets boring hearing your own voice after awhile.

check back, until then.. keep serving Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Come back soon! H

Anonymous said...

What?! You can't take a break. It's how I get to see pictures of the kids and you all and hear the latest happenings. It doesn't have to be a great philisopical work in order to still be worthwhile. Please keep blogging!

Joanna said...

I think your blog is encouraging.
I like seeing what you do every day.
It encourages me.

Anonymous said...

Ok... I'm new at this comment thing, so please forgive me if I post twice. Just wanted to reiterate what others are saying here. I find your blog very encouraging! Just seeing your smiling faces in that gorgeous land called Colorado, surrounded by good friends & extended family, living live and loving Jesus is a total encouragement to me!

If you need to take a break for your own sake, please do so. However, if you are worried about the value of your posts, please rest assured that there is much gleaned here.

I'll try to be better about leaving comments (maybe not as long as this!) Please know I am a faithful reader :)


Anonymous said...

Tina, I read your blog often. Love seeing and reading about you and your beautiful children. Lillie still asks about Rebecca and Elizabeth. I am encouraged by what you write. I have even started making my own bread again.!! Gonzales Gang in CA

Amanda said...

I totally read your blog, but i do know how you feel. i sometimes feel like no one reads mine. but i found out lots of people do, they just can't leave comments because they're not blogger or google users... so i am using mine as a journal so that I can remember the things going on in our lives and look back later to see how it has all changed and where God has taken us along the journey. keep it up!