Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thank you for your kind words...

I received emails and phone calls encouraging me to continue this here simple ol' blog. So ... I will though I really do hope to challenge you in your walk with the Lord as well as show you our life lived out loud here in Colorado. Maybe by doing both , my purpose is served.

Thank you....

aka Ms Tuna Jones


Anonymous said...

Hurray! H

Anonymous said...

Yeah! 1st order of business - post some pictures of green Colorado, so I can see more of what you are looking at. :)

Anonymous said...

Great! I'm looking forward to your posts :) Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

I am someone that reads your blog and love it, I am wanting to get my blog going, so it gives me ideas..keep on blogging! By the way I am not some scary internet person I am an old friend of Joanna's from highschool and aslo know Robby! (: