Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Egg in a Hat

We have a new family favorite thanks to Uncle Dave. Egg in a Hat! Over Christmas break when family was in from Cali, Uncle Dave introduced us to an easy meal that is even fun to eat. Any of you that know me, KNOWS that Tina and Cooking aren't synonymous. I love easy recipes that everyone actually eats. The actually eats part, real important.
High Five to Uncle Dave!


Anonymous said...

Recipe, please??? And by the way, the bees are adorable. :)

Joanna said...

SO...what is an egg in a hat?

Sara Kay said...

I used to make these at Bible school, and one of the guys decided one day to come up with lots of names for them. Egg in a basket...chicken in a wheat field... I can't even remember all of them. :)

Anonymous said...

We call them Hobo Sandwiches! XO, Kerin

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

I've had them since I was a kid.
We call them Popeyes.
Kaylee likes to eat them too.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dave here everyone. Okay, the recipe. Melt butter in a small frying pan, take a piece of bread and use a small glass to press out a hole in the middle. Put the bread with the cut out bread in the frying pan. Crack an egg into the hole. Fry until golden on one side and then flip to the other. Sometimes you might have to add more butter when you flip to the opposite side. Enjoy.

Megan Hardre said...

Oh my goodess! This is a big favorite of mine that my hubby makes. He calls it Hole in the Sidewalk. LOVE IT!!! :)